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Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light, for

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night...

About Braely Fiala

Braely is many things, though normal , in spite of outward appearances, isn't one of them.Born of death, it was said. A Fen witch, to be sure, but even among her own kind, often avoided due to long held superstitions which surrounded the nature of her 'gift'. It's taken Braely most of her 90+ turns to come to terms with what she secretly saw more as a curse than a gift, a rare ability which the west would refer to as being a medium.Her lineage, as far as it was explained to her, is that she is a decendent of a long line of empaths passed down on from the Veena jack that had sired her. In her case, however, what might have been a more traditionally comforting gift among her people turned sour when her Rava mother was struck down by a stray arrow shortly before she was due to give birth. Having been among a group of elite bow women that served as couriers of messages between villages, she'd continued on in spite of her pregnancy, and was caught in the crossfire by a group of interlopers intent on finding riches in the shrouded territories of Ivalice. By uncanny luck or perhaps even divine intervention, the fates, it would seem, had plans for the kit that would come to be known as Braljah of the Fens.It came in the form of two women that had been set to meet with Braljah's mother for messages from the Skatay range. Iridel and Ehlira, the fearsome twins that served as the combat trainers and messengers of the Fen Coven found her within minutes of the grave injury. Upon the realization that Braljah's mother could not be saved, perhaps the kit could. The decision to pull her from the dying woman's womb came with a cost, though, and the natural gift of being an empath was twisted in what her mentor Yaga described as being born 'With one foot in the world of the living, and one beyond the veil, where there is naught to find but the dead.'Brought back to the Tramdine Fens, in the shrouded valley were Iri and Ehli resided, and more importantly, where the Tramdine Fens Coven was located, she was fostered to Yaga, and raised into a position that was steeped in death magics and superstition, meant to eventually serve under the sleeping goddess Etro's auspices.And yet the fates, it would seem had other ideas in this regard as well.It's been over 70 turns since she and her lifetime companion and fellow witch of the Fens, Lynnaes, found themselves torn from their homelands. A lot has changed for them through their travels and adventures, including the mysterious appearance of a younger sister, Daevyna, born later to the same sire, whom bore the natural gifts of an empath, and shared a similar fate bestowed upon her as had been wrought upon Braely and Lynnaes. While many things do change, it would be wise to keep in mind that some parts of ourselves we are born with and can't get rid of so easily...Suffice it to say, there is more to this moko-gummy munching lovely spa manager, Covenstead witch and bard that meets the eye. Care to know more...?

Braely's Personality Traits

*** Important *** When looking at the traits ascribed to Braely, it's very important to understand that many of them reflect ONLY what the public would understand or infer from her behavior and interactions. Some of these traits are actually very misleading and do not account for how she behaves with those closest to her.Getting to know Braely would unlock some 'misconceptions', but otherwise, this is a general demeanor one might expect to encounter.

18+ Photo Gallery

Roleplay Hooks

Interested in getting to know Braely?

  • Currently, Braely is an assistant manager, spa attendant, and masseuse at the Elysian Springs Spa. She's there every Tuesday and Thursday evening so if you have visited the spa, you probably would have seen her and very possibly interacted with her.

  • She is also a member of the Eternal Star Company, known for various business ventures around Eorzea and whose work deals with artifact and relic research. If you have worked in the field or have an interest in such things, there's a chance that you may have heard of her name floated through the conversation.

  • If you are someone who has dabbled in the occult, witchery, beastribes or other less acceptable aetheric practices, chances are you've heard of the Covenstead and the women and their allies that make up the coven. Looking for dark/occult RP contacts and immersive story, especially stories which have a decidedly mystical / paganistic feel? Their covenstead is freely accessible, filled with tomes of knowledge and information while being warded against those who might seek to move against them. The Covenstead is at the convergence of several leylines and, ultimately, a location of great power.

  • Braely is quietly understood by those who are familiar with the Covenstead to be what is known in the western region of the world, as a medium. When asking her, she'll identify as a Spiritwalker, or something similar, depending on her confidence at that moment. She is rumored to be able to contact those that have passed into the lifestream, as well to see and communicate with those who have resisted the pull of the lifestream. If you've ever looked for, or are looking for a medium or to contact the dead, her name might well be whispered in your ear as a solution.

  • Braely has worked in the past with her partner and lover, Lynnaes, in various exhibitionist venues. For a time, they were both paid to perform in front of audiences, so it is possible that someone may remember her from those days. The two of them were favorites for the audience before they eventually moved to follow other interests.

OOC Information

I am a friendly longtime roleplayer with experience in multiple different online RP formats & genres.
I am a 21+ roleplayer and prefer mature people that are invested in collaborative storytelling and writing. If you're new to roleplay, that's just fine, but do keep in mind that regardless the length of your posts, which I'll be flexible about in matching, I am interested in writing with other genuine roleplayers.
I'm an advocate of in character interactions. Please don't bleed out of character into character, or at least be mindful of it, especially in more serious and compelling scenes. Please use ((ooc)) brackets to distinguish as needed or where appropriate. In short? No flip-flopping or sloppy ic/ooc blending that is persistent or consistent if you want to draw and hold my interest as a writing collaborator.

  • I am a multi-para roleplayer where appropriate. I try to offer the best of my writing and ask/hope that those I'm writing with will share the same value in quality interactions.

  • I love all sorts of roleplay and am decidedly social. Slice of life? Yes please. Drama? For sure! Danger - I'm not afraid of the big bad wolf! Sexy? Yeah, I engage in the smut, though it's with my partners. Lynnaes Krasizaz is Braely's longtime lover and partner, though they will occasionally enjoy a fling together or alone, and on very rare occasion (as in if they are both in agreement, a third lover - this is currently the case with a male vieran jack that is known as 'Raith').

  • Out of character problems and drama should be handled like adults. If you are going to engage in behavior that is ooc stressful, aggressive or shitty, color me not interested. Because I'm just not.

  • Expect for me to address any situations head-on and if resolution can't be found or you're being a jackass or only concerned about yourself, we'll probably go our separate ways.

Roleplay is an ardent and passionate hobby of mine. I hope yours, too, given you're invested in an MMORPG. Sound cool to you? Hell yeah, let's write!

Short Stories - Braely

Known Associates & Alts

  • Lynnaes Krasikaz

Lynnaes Krasikaz is Braely's longtime partner and lover. Braely and she have been together for a long, long time and currently work at the Covenstead, as well as the Elysian Springs Spa.

  • Riko Raith

Raith is a new addition to Braely's life; a male viera with unusual magical gifts and who has also taken residence in the magical Grotto that she and Lynnaes call home.